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Legal provisions for using the SWICA websites


SWICA Healthcare Organisation (SWICA Group, consisting of SWICA Healthcare Insurance Ltd, SWICA Insurance Ltd. and SWICA Management Ltd – hereinafter referred to as “SWICA”) is committed to maintaining transparent relations with its stakeholders. The following special conditions govern the access to the SWICA websites and subpages.

1. General

1.1 Statement of understanding

By using the SWICA websites and all their subpages (jointly referred to below as the "Websites"), you declare that you understand and agree to the following special conditions (hereinafter referred to as the "Conditions") that govern their access. Please use the Websites only if you agree to the following Conditions.

1.2 Scope

The use of special services (such as the SWICA invoice app, premium calculator, and BENEVITA and BENECURA apps) is subject to the respective special conditions. The data privacy policy (e.g. data privacy statement on the use of the SWICA websites) and the cookie policy apply in addition to these Conditions and take precedence if there is a contradiction in meaning. All matters concerning insurance operations are exempt from these Conditions. Please refer to the respective General Insurance Conditions (GIC) or the corresponding Supplementary Conditions (SC) for further information.

1.3 Purpose of the Websites

The SWICA Websites are designed to provide information about SWICA and its products and services.

2. Copyright – intellectual property rights

The content of all Websites is protected by copyright. Any modification of the Websites or parts thereof is prohibited in every case. Reproducing and linking any content for public and/or commercial purposes without the prior written consent of SWICA is prohibited. SWICA will prosecute any infringement of these rules.
All property rights remain with SWICA if you download or otherwise process any copyrighted works intended for publication or reproduction by users or any other software, applications and/or other information from the Websites.

The name SWICA, its logo, and all its trademarks (e.g. SWICA, BENEVITA, BENECURA, etc.) are protected property of SWICA, Römerstrasse 37, 8401 Winterthur. The use of the Websites in no way constitutes a licence or confers a right to use an image, registered trademark and/or logo in any way.

Downloading and/or copying (or similar) the Websites or parts thereof does not transfer any rights to the software and/or other elements on the website. SWICA retains all rights (in particular copyright and trademark rights) that apply to all elements on the Websites and will fully exercise all option for asserting these rights.

3. Completeness of the Websites

SWICA carefully checks the information on the Websites at the time of publication. Because of the public nature of the internet, neither SWICA nor any of its contracting parties can offer any assurance or guarantee that the information, software, applications, documents, calculation results or other information provided or made available is fully current, complete and correct. The website is updated regularly to reflect the latest technical standards and changes in its content.

4. Disclaimer

SWICA can in no way be held liable for any direct or indirect damage and/or consequential damage arising from the use of software, information, documents and/or other information from the Websites or from access to other third-party websites through any links on the websites. In particular (but not conclusively), it accepts no liability for transmission errors, technical defects, malfunctions or interruptions of the phone network / internet access, unlawful interference in network setups, introduction of viruses, copying and falsification of data and content, network overload, failure to recognise false identities, possible legitimisation errors, and the deliberate or inadvertent blocking of electronic access by third parties.

SWICA accepts no liability (also not for negligence) for any damage and/or consequential damage arising from access to Website elements and/or their use (or from the inability to access and/or use such).

5. Links to other websites

SWICA does not monitor third-party websites that are linked to its own Websites and cannot be held accountable for their content. Users who establish links to such websites do so at their own risk.

6. Data security and data transmission

Please note that the internet is publicly accessible and that you therefore disclose any personal information on it at your own risk. In particular, your data can get lost and/or fall into the hands of unauthorised persons, especially when exchanging it and when accessing Websites. Although SWICA takes appropriate measures to protect your personal data against unauthorised processing, it accepts no responsibility and/or liability for data security.

This applies in particular to correspondence with SWICA by email. Email messages are like postcards in that they do not guarantee any security and can also be viewed by unauthorised persons. For this reason, no confidential and/or legally privileged information should be transmitted electronically. When you contact SWICA by email, you also authorise it to communicate with you electronically.

7. Data protection

All personal data made available to SWICA via the Websites is processed in compliance with the relevant data protection provisions. Further provisions on data protection can be found in the data privacy statement, which is an integral part of these Conditions. The use of cookies and other aids (e.g. Google Analytics) is governed by the cookie policy, which also forms an integral part of these Conditions.

8. Social networks

The SWICA Websites use various social media plugins, including those of Facebook, Google Plus, YouTube, LinkedIn, Xing, Twitter, and Instagram. These social networks can be identified by their respective logos and/or names. The trademarks of the network providers are protected by trademark law and do not belong to SWICA. The use of the social media plugins is at your own risk. Further provisions on data exchange by the respective network providers can be found in the data privacy statement on the use of SWICA Websites.

9. Final provisions

All information and data, the use of such, the access to the Websites, as well as all actions, toleration and omissions in connection with the websites are subject exclusively to substantive Swiss law to the exclusion of any conflict-of-law rules. The exclusive place of jurisdiction for disputes in connection with the use of the SWICA Websites and these Conditions is Winterthur, Switzerland.

SWICA reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information or data provided at any time and without prior notice.

Version of 05/2018

The following companies perform tasks on behalf of SWICA:
Tessi document solutions (Switzerland) GmbH
Centris (management of the IT systems for insurance)
Orga Projekt Management AG

© SWICA Healthcare Organisation, CH-8400 Winterthur / legal notice

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